Friday, July 17, 2009

Preteen Help

Day 7 of 1,278.

So today we are going to answer the question: Just how much help can an 11 year-old be? Sounds like an easy question, right? Wrong. Einstein once set out answer this age old question. After being faced with so many unknowns he decided it would be easier to solve the mysteries of physics. At least that's what I read on Wiki.

As a father of a preteen I have witnessed first-hand how they can turn into zombies in front of the TV. (I'm sure I never was and am still not that way!) They will sacrifice life and limb for an Xbox, Wii, or a mobile phone...particularly the much coveted IPhone. And speaking there a preteen out there who realizes that in addition to sending text messages mobile phones can be used to actually TALK to someone? But I digress. Perhaps that is a topic for another day.

Today Francesca left for Texas to spend a few weeks with family. I'm confident she will enjoy the succulent tastes of the finest Tex-Mex cuisine and partake in endless Xbox sessions with her cousins. That said, she will be sorely missed here. Despite her young age, Francesca has been a tremendous help to us and Carson. She has been here to lend a helping hand with the endless list of things to find, fix, and fetch. In addition to her title of Chief Helper, she has been the "Entertainment Director" for her little brother, helping him pass the hours and days here in the hospital.

Francesca's been a real trooper this past week and keeping up without her will be difficult. But now it's time to go and have some fun...have a great vacation Francesca!!

On the medical front:

Things are fairly quiet. Carson's numbers continue in to improve and the doctors are happy. (Like I said before...we like making the doctors happy!!) We had thought he would need a transfusion today, but the numbers came back and indicated we could hold off another day.

The steroids have turned him into a bottomless pit. He is constantly talking about food and asking for something to eat. Here's what this morning's menu looked like:
  • a hot dog (the whole thing) - this was BEFORE breakfast
  • a hot dog bun (a SECOND bun, that is)
  • a waffle
  • mac-n-cheese
  • two small sacks of Cheetos
  • two brownies
We couldn't get him to stop talking about food, so we took him on a walk. And just in case you're wondering, he talked about food all throughout the walk, too! Just so I don't get any hate mail...he gets most everything he wants even if it requires a trip out to the store.

The Kraft EasyMac poster child.

I can't say enough about the people that have brought food for the family and presents for Carson. As I've said before, having a few minutes to talk with someone else is the best legal pick-me-up around. Well...Carson says it's really a tie between that and getting some new car toys. I guess it's all perspective. The comments on the blog and the emails have been a great encouragement. Please keep them coming!

Friends and Toys - is there a greater combo?

We are grateful that he is feeling so well, but anxious about what the coming weeks will bring as the cumulative effects of chemo become prominent. The road ahead is a rough one. It won't be easy. Please keep our little guy in your prayers!!



  1. Thanks for writing about me! I can't wait to see you soon! F

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