Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rays of Sunshine

Day 12 of 1,278

I went upstairs before leaving home this morning and stood there...what in the world I had come up for? Was it for clothes to take to the hospital? Nope, got those. Was it to get my keys? Nope, got those, too. It took me a while, then I remembered...I needed a battery for Carson's remote control car. (I'm not saying who needed the remote control car...suffice to say it's a really cool car that can flip over!)

The past two weeks have been absolutely filled with moments like this. What's scary is that when I'm driving it's even worse. I miss my turns. I forget where I'm going. I stop at green lights. (Fortunately I stop at most of the red ones, too.) Luckily, Jennifer is usually there with me to snap me back to reality before anything too serious happens.

With everything that's going on...mentally, I'm out of it. I am toast. Fried. My mind is jello. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. (I just love how all of these expressions have something to do with my favorite subject...FOOD!) Point is, my focus has been on Carson, the hospital, and whatever is the next test.

So, just a word of warning, if you are out there and you see me behind the wheel...look out!

Medical News:

Carson had a good day. He made it out of the room a number of times. We rode the plasma car. We went to the play room and built Lego hospitals. Being boys, we then crashed into the Legos with our hot rod matchbox cars and sent pieces scattering everywhere! We even popped a bag of popcorn and went over to the helicopter bridge and had a "picnic". And right on cue, a medivac helicopter came in and landed. Talk about awesome!

At times Carson has a few pains here and there. Nothing major, nothing for long. We're not sure if they are related to the chemo or not...most likely they are. He is still drained of his normal energy. He gets a burst every now and then, but it's not too long before he wants to go back to the room and rest. We spent the day off of IV fluids, but they are going to reconnect him tonight just to make sure he's getting enough fluid to keep his system flushed.

The really great news is that for the second day in a row he had no leukemia in his blood!! Leukemia spills into the bloodstream from the bone marrow. So this means the chemo is getting to the right places in the bone marrow. Go chemo!! Kill those nasty leukemia cells!!!

Please pray for strength for Carson.
Tonight he turned to me and in a quiet, soft voice said, "Daddy, I don't like the hospital." We made it fun at first, but clearly the routine is getting old. He's tired and we need to keep his spirits up.

Being here on the Pediatric Oncology ward, a few steps from the Pediatric ICU, puts things into perspective rather quickly. There are people all around us going through unimaginable challenges - both children and parents. It's a difficult place...yet God is here comforting and healing. Another request: Please keep our new neighbors up here in your prayers, too!

Leukemia is no cakewalk. Our road ahead is bumpy and uncertain. However, right now God is shining beautiful rays of sunshine in the midst of all the storm clouds. And that's a pretty thing to see. We will count our blessings and pray they continue!

As I have said before, we have been overwhelmed by the love and kindness sent our way. The prayers, encouraging comments, gifts, has been absolutely amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!



  1. Hi, Jennifer and Paul,
    I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for your precious Carson's complete healing and for your beautiful family. Praise God for the amazing lab results! May He continue to hold you all close to His heart!
    With love and prayers,
    Debbie Van Wagoner
    (Julie's sister)

  2. Hang in there guys, you will get through this. You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily. Kim

  3. For every wrong turn, we will be here to guide you back.

    For every 'green' stop, we will be there to press our horn lightly to let you know .

    if you ever need a day off to get yourself "untoast", me here to pinch hit for you. q

  4. Was so sorry to hear about little Carson. This is such a good ideal to do this blog. It keeps everyone in touch when they cannot be near you to help, and to let you know all the prayers that Carson has had. I'm in Charles Sunday School Class and every Sunday he gives us an update and certainly there are many prayers for your family being ask.

    As Far as your aniversay goes I don't think your wife will hang this over your head for too long. I'm sure the best anniversary gift she could ever receive is to have Carson well again. I know that God is going to take care of this beautiful family and answer all these prayers.
    WE all know that God is Good and All the time God is good. Linda Merriman
