Friday, July 24, 2009

Feeling Hungry, Feeling Good!

Day 13 of 1,278

Carson woke up at 6 this morning and, out of the blue, proclaimed, "I like Baja Fresh!!" Just in case there was any doubt that he was my child, now we know. Yup, he's mine.

Actually this wasn't the first time he woke up talking about food. At 3 am he woke up and had some Honey Nut Cheerios followed by a small cup of M&Ms. Not bad for a midnight snack, huh? (Before we get chastised for how unhealthy this is, I would like to point out that this is a vast improvement over the previous night's snack - donuts!)

Unfortunately we didn't have anything from Baja Fresh on hand when he woke up at 6, but that didn't slow him down. He laid around for an hour then went on a food rampage. I am not kidding when I say he spent the next four hours grazing on everything in sight. It went something like this:
  • Honey Nut Cheerios (again)
  • M&Ms (again)
  • Cheetos
  • Egg Whites
  • Pancake
  • Popcorn
  • Banana
  • South Beach protein bar
  • Toast
  • Pizza
  • Sun Chips (Cheddar)
  • Hot Tamales (just 2 pieces)
  • Gatorade (2 cans)
  • Ginger Ale
And this was all BEFORE lunch. Again, I have to wonder, is it the steroids or the genes? And the answer is....Yes!

Carson gets his fill of chips and rice from Baja Fresh before starting in on the basket of cookies! Note the puffy cheeks starting to form. (Side effect of the heavy steroids.)

So much effort went into eating that Carson got really tired and took a 3 hour nap. (Now that's a blessing!) This was the longest nap he's taken since being diagnosed.

Medical Update:

Carson is feeling REALLY good today.
  • blood work: still holding steady at 0% leukemia in the blood! Platelets and hemoglobin still OK but on the low side, no transfusions required yet though.
  • energy: the monkey is back - he is climbing in/out/on the bed, on the chairs, etc. This is something he hasn't done since we arrived here at the hospital.
  • mouth: moving constantly - it is either eating or talking or squealing or laughing
We continue to be so thankful for these good days and Carson's response to the chemo. Thanks so much for the continued prayers, visits, comments and love!

-Paul and Jennifer


  1. Let us know if you guys need anything. Glad Libby and I were able to stop by and see you. Will keep you in our prayers.

  2. Ahh Baja Fresh, the place of the Plano East t-shirt sighting! Thank you God for placing us in that path! I just talked to Harlan and he was at that same Baja having some fish tacos for lunch. We celebrate with you the good progress being made so far. Mr. looks good in the picture. To those of us looking in, ya'll continue to be amazing parents. We are praying with you. much love, vanessa

  3. Hi - just talked to Gail about updates. You know, Paul King, that Rex and I have loved you all your life. And,with Jennifer,Francesca,and Carson coming on board changes nothing...just grows. So, the faith your family has already been a testimony to us, and I guarantee 20 yrs. down the road, it will continue to be a witness someone needs. You can go to sleep tonite and rest assured the Blacks are lifting you up, as well as the medics, caregivers, "Hotel" staff...Stay in there Carson King. God has a plan for you!!!
    Carita Black

  4. Hi

    Just around home doing laundry. Wish I could be there to help in any way.
    Carson, I believe you have a hollow leg. Where does all of that food go when you eat it? I'm continuing to pray that the DEVIL doesn't have a chance to attack your body and that you continue to get good test results. Love to all of you


  5. Thanks for the wonderful updates Paul & Jennifer!! We are rejoicing over the past few days that have provided good results! :) We will continue to pray hard and trust in our Sovereign Lord! My ladies small group is praying daily for Carson (and you guys & your beauty Francesca) - there is about 13 of us! And, he is also being prayed for by the West Pines Pastors and Elders. Give Carson a big squeeze from The Elswick's!

    PS - We would like to send a care package Carson's way...can you provide us with an address to send to? You can email it to me or Jon: or

    Melissa and Jon Elswick
