Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday Medical News

And now for the medical portion of the day.....brought to you by a worn out mother who can barely string two words together.
  • Carson's white blood cell count has now dropped below normal. This is expected as the chemotherapy does its work. Around 40% of his white blood cells are now leukemia cells.
  • All of other levels like uric acid, magnesium, phosphorous, blah, blah, blah are completely as the doctor's expected. This makes our doctor extremely happy and he says he doesn't think the treatment could be going any better than it has!
  • The shots Carson must take as part of his treatment have been moved to Wednesday instead of Thursday.
  • Carson received a blood transfusion today due to low red blood cell count. This is also expected due to his therapy. He had no adverse reactions and rode the plasma car all around the ward while getting it.
  • The coveted prize for "World's Fastest Medicine Taker" has been given to Carson King. When interviewed the recipient informed us that it is all in the technique....swallow medicine immediately (especially that yucky steroid) and wash down with cold ginger ale! Having a reward of peppermint candy, skittles or cupcakes afterward doesn't hurt either. His parents are very proud.


  1. Hang in there Jennifer...you win the award for Queen of the MOMS! Thank you for keeping us up to date. We are praying and thinking about you all each day!

  2. You are a wonderful mom--even when you are tired!
    Love you.

  3. Hey Paul, Jennifer, and Francesca!

    Just heard the news about your lil' man Carson and Jon and I began praying right away! We will continue to pray for Carson and you guys as well through this new journey! :) If we can serve you in any way from afar (other than prayer) please let us know. We love you guys and will trust our Sovereign and gracious Savior along with you! Thanks for the blog updates...it's amazing how connected we can all stay through the "blog world"...

    Trusting our Savior,
    Melissa (and Jon) Elswick
