Friday, July 31, 2009

Eat, Sleep and Help

We haven't posted in a few days because, fortunately for us, things are going pretty smoothly. We're still dealing with one tired kid, and "roid boy" as we refer to him sometimes, but we really can't complain. Things could definitely be much different.

We went to the doctor on Wednesday and the blood work continues to look good for now. Hemoglobin and platelets are at acceptable levels, so no transfusions necessary. Also, his ANC (an indicator of how able he is to fight infection) is improving as is his white blood cell count.

Carson continues on his steroid induced eating rampages and temper tantrums. For the last few days the food of choice has been pizza crust. He polished off the entire crust of a Papa John's large pizza in less than 24 hours and left us to eat the rest. He got SO mad when we told him it was all gone. For breakfast the last two days he's eaten an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich, plus oatmeal or bacon, or another half sandwich. He is definitely packing it away.

When not eating, Carson has been doing a lot of sleeping and laying around. This latest chemo treatment has really wrung our little guy out. We see some sparks of playfulness, but they are short-lived and then he returns to rest on the couch. Each chemo treatment seems to knock him down a little bit more, and we still have another heavy one to go on Monday. We'll live with it though, beating leukemia is more important!

We're still receiving lots of support from our friends and family. Thank you so much! We will be forever grateful for all those praying and all those who are helping out. This will be such a long road for Carson (many more chemo treatments and tests to come over the next three+ years). We will need every one's prayers and help to get through it. It takes a village? It will take an army!

Our good friend Kathleen Armstrong in Florida is now training to participate in the 2010 Disney Marathon as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training. She is running in honor of her mother, a lymphoma survivor, and Carson.

Click here to check out her fundraising page!

Needless to say, we hope she raises lots of money! Good luck Kathleen!



  1. Hi Jennifer, Paul, Francesca, and CARSON...congratulations on the success your little guy is experiencing!!! Glad to see you guys broke out of the hospital for awhile...hopefully you will continue to kick the CAN out of Cancer!!! We're all cheering for you guys here in South Florida! Love, Pam

  2. Hi from Abilene

    Glad to hear everything is going as good as it can. Seems the treatment so far is responding. Chemo must be so energy zapping. Carson seems to know when he needs to rest.

    Love to All of you

    Still praying


  3. Dear Jennifer, we are very happy about the progress and when you say, in you letter, that YOU NEED AN ARMY... WE'LL GET YOU THAT ARMY OF PRAYERS! I have never forgot the fact that you had your mother and all the church in texas prayed fot me when I was sick with cancer. I know I can not be of much help from over here but I have a lot of people praying for you guys including my mother and her prayer group. I can at least keep building an army of prayers. Love to All of you Cristina

  4. What are The Kings' doing on this a Sat.
    Carfson, I know you ae enjoying all of your toys at home. And especially playing with your friend,NIls.

    You'll be in my prayers as you go for your treatment next week.

    Love to all of you


  5. Carson, you are back home and now you can sleep with Shade. We are so glad to read that everything is going well with you. Go, Carson, eat well and beat leukemia.
    Randy, Yuko & Hunter

  6. kathleen armstrongAugust 4, 2009 at 9:29 PM

    Hi guys, thanks so much for posting my information on your page, I hope you are all doing well and you are in my prayers! Kathleen, Kaitlin, Kristen, and Keith
