Sunday, July 12, 2009

Night Moves

Carson had a fairly restful night last night. They were able to draw blood from his port twice - no pain and no waking him up - Yea! The first labs came back looking very good to start chemo, but we are still waiting to hear the results of the 6 AM test.

I signed all the paperwork to let them proceed with the chemo as soon as they're ready. Initial and date every page, sign on the dotted line at the end. "More paperwork than buying a house" is the way the doctor put it.

It is now 9 AM and Carson is up, has eaten two graham crackers and half a banana. He said right away that his throat is feeling better (it was sore yesterday from the tube they inserted during his surgery), but he is low on energy as you might imagine. He's still receiving a small amount of oxygen, but I'm told once his body gets over the anesthesia he'll be able to go without it.

.......15 minutes later.......Doctor just came in with some more paperwork, but after that he told us that Carson's spinal tap test was negative!!!! No leukemia cells in the spinal fluid! Thank you God for yet another prayer answered.

And thank you everyone for your continued prayers and offers of help. We are so grateful.



  1. Just heard today about the King Family Journey. Carson sounds like a real trooper. Be assured that Carson and the entire family will be on my prayer list and our Sunday School class list. I'm also requesting that he be on the list of another class. Thank you for starting a blog. Now I won't be pestering Jane so often. I've talked with her 3 times in the last 30 minutes.
    Much love, Buena & Wayne Stevenson

  2. Hello Jennifer, Paul, Jane, and Paul,
    I am so sorry to hear of Carson's illness. Charles shared the news in Sunday School this morning. Carson and Francesca are so blessed to have you as parents and grandparents to help guide them through this crisis. I can only imagine your agony at this time. It is wonderful that you are in a medical facility where you are confident in the care provided. With a daughter, son-in-law, and grandbaby in Richmond, VA, I know how difficult it is for grandparents to be away from all their "babies" when there is a need. I am praying for your peace and strength and for Carson's healing. Thank you for the blog.
    With love and prayers, Betty Prince

  3. Charles,
    Sorry I wrote Paul twice in my greeting.
