Monday, July 27, 2009

Home Again

Surprise! Carson is home today! 18 (sometimes endless) days at the hospital....and now, here we are at home.

Carson threatens to "blow this joint" in his new airplane, but we are preemptively discharged.

We finally got home around 7:00 this evening. Carson was all smiles in his car seat as we went home. He looked out the window and shouted, "There's a taxi, there's a dumptruck" as each one came into view. When we started talking about dinner he informed us that he "loved Taco Bell", so guess where we stopped before we got home?

In medical news: Carson had his third bone marrow test today. We still don't know the final results, but the doctors liked how the initial look at the marrow appeared, so they sent us home. Of course, we have to go back to the doctor on Wednesday for more blood work, but that will be done at an outpatient clinic, not the hospital.

After the bone marrow test, Carson also had his third chemo treatment. So far, so good, no side effects except fatigue right now.

Speaking of fatigue, that's how we feel as well. We'll attempt to be clever and witty tomorrow. For now, we'll rest at home...all of us together!


P.S. Paul is not now, nor recently been, in the doghouse!


  1. woo hoo! congratulations on your new found freedom carson! good luck with those test results. -libby

  2. Yea Carson! So glad you got to go home!


  3. Jen, Paul & Francesca
    GREAT news having Carson back home - Thank God. We are en route back to Italy - but were able to log in at the Terminal and learn of the wonderful news -- him at home with you all.
    We will continue to pray for Carson (and you guys) on a daily basis and hope that the Bad L Disease goes COMPLETELY away.
    We will call you from Italy

  4. I am so sorry that I forgot to find a flower vase for you on Sunday night!! I can honestly say that it kept me up last night, realizing that I had forgotten! I am so glad that Carson got to go home--though I will miss seeing you all! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help--my e-mail address is!!
