Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Still Feeling Good

Carson seems to be doing better and better and better! He has been eating what the hospital has brought him to eat and has been taking the medicine like a pro! We've met many people here at the hospital. A little boy, an older boy and a little girl. The little girl got released from the hospital yesterday.

Carson, armed with his trusty chainsaw and a message of hope.

Carson has been watching Spiderman, one and three, and Veggie Tales. We've had many visitors. Most of them have been Carson's friends, parents friends and some have been my friends. Carson is very happy when people visit.

Thank you for everyone that has been praying. Carson is glad to be feeling better!

Written by: Francesca


  1. You are a blogger AND and artist. Very impressive. Jane and Chuck should be there soon!

  2. Hi Francesca! I wrote a comment yesterday, but I don't think that it posted. Ruby wanted me to tell you Hi! We heard the news about Carson from Kathleen Armstrong and want you to know we are praying for you guys. Ruby just quit swimming a couple weeks ago. She is starting at Charter High this year and will swim for the High School team and also play water polo, but she wants to focus on her academics, join clubs, go to sports functions, etc. I am hoping by now that cutie-petutie Carson has gotten his cupcake! Hang in there and keep up the blogging! Pam Brake
