Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fighting leukemia one day at a time. Day 80 of 1,278

I called home today only to interrupt Jennifer doing the happy dance...Carson's port cooperated and she was able to give the chemo treatment at home. Yeah!! Way to go Jennifer and Carson!! That's one less trip to the clinic. Whew!

Speaking of the clinic, all went well yesterday. Just like us, there were a number of kids there for long infusions, so the Child Life coordinator ordered some pizza and corn dogs. Once again, hats off to Growing Hope for funding the chow for the kiddies. Once Carson knew pizza was on the way, he started running around the clinic yelling, "Is it here yet? Is it here yet?" Can we get that boy some happy juice?

Carson and the sister of another patient square off over the train toys. Train toys versus chivalry...she doesn't stand a chance.

Carson and a bud share a seat and catch a few scenes from the Transformers movie.

Carson inhales a slice of pepperoni pizza...I have to count and make sure I still have my fingers.

We're out of gas at the end of the day.

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day. Jennifer will be back on chemo duty...and if we just don't have enough going on...we're getting new windows at the house. So, tomorrow, while I'm sitting in my office at work having grown up conversations only to be periodically interrupted by the soft clicking of keyboards, Jennifer will be home pulling her hair out.

Please pray Carson's port continues to cooperate....and that Jennifer doesn't kill me!



  1. Growing Hope pizza must have some special ingredient! I'm so glad you guys could stay home yesterday! Hope that port keeps on cooperating! Betsy P

  2. Love the pict of Carson eating the pizza - he seems to go after that like you (Paul) go after chips and salsa! ~Kim
