Sunday, January 10, 2010

Round 4 Update

Round 4 is progressing more smoothly now. We moved into a private room about 10:30 PM on Friday evening and Carson got some much needed rest. There are others who are not so lucky and we're thankful that they decided to apply grease to our squeaking wheel first.

The chemo finished about 4:30 PM yesterday; and as before, Carson has not experienced much in the way of side effects. So far, just the appetite is down.

Yesterday we also began the juggling act of getting Francesca to/from a swim meet and today will be the same thing. We are thankful to have Grandma here as an extra set of hands and swim team friends!

Please continue your prayers for Carson as he completes his treatment; and please add prayers for the rest of our neighbors on this hospital ward. This week we've received news on both sides of the good/bad spectrum from friends we've made since diagnosis. One friend's PET scan shows the cancer gone, another friend now in remission, and another friend has experienced a relapse after 2 1/2 years cancer free. We are overjoyed for the one and heartbroken for the other...thankful to God for the healing and on our knees in petition for the other.



  1. Jen, Carson was in my prayers today at this morning's Mass. Give the little guy a hug for me tonight.
    Ciao e Buona Notte

  2. Hi Jen,I wento to church on post today and participated at a "non denominational service" not sure I wrote that right. In any case, the service was very good, we all got to pray for the healing of a love one, and Carson was the one. Keep the faith and I'll pray God for continuing giving you strenth! Buona notte Cristina

  3. Paul & Jennifer,
    We think of you often and keep Carson in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you all the best in the coming year and look forward to seeing you all again soon.
    David & Bethany
