Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 198 and counting...

Way to go Mr. Lands!

After raising money to fight leukemia, Francesca's teacher burns up the course at the 2010 Disney Marathon. And here are the pics to prove it!

Gotta love that customized singlet!

Thanks, Mr. Lands, for running in honor of Carson and helping the fight against leukemia!!

Carson is doing well.

Delayed Intensification kicked off last Friday with a spinal tap and chemo flush. Just as usual, Carson came through like a champ. He tolerated the spinal procedure, although he was more coherent this time around than any of the previous times. Normally, being coherent is a good thing, but not for a four year old with a needle in his back.

As far as chemo goes, Carson had a methotrexate flush (spinal), vincristine, and then doxorubicin. I wouldn't be surprised if he glows in the dark for a few hours after treatment.

Friday also marked the start of a new round of steroids - dexamethasone - twice a day for the next week. Steroids are a tough one to take. We crush the tablets, dilute them with water and mix with an abundant amount strawberry flavoring in an effort to cover the bitter taste. We experimented with different mixture levels last July and I think we finally have the right recipe. Carson hasn't complained a bit. Add it to the praise list.

In other news...

Saturday we headed up to Westminster, MD to visit with a good friend from Florida. It was great to get out of the house, take a short road trip, and visit with friends.

And then on Sunday we celebrated the first anniversary (and sixth birthday) of our adopted dog Shade. She celebrated with a little brownie and a Frosty Paw.'s back to the clinic.

We head back to the clinic on Tuesday for chemo in each thigh. Not fun at ALL. Please pray things go as smoothly as possible on Tuesday.


1 comment:

  1. I hope that Carson continues to do well - it certainly sounds like the next few weeks are going to be challenging for him (and you guys). Know that I continue to pray for and think about you guys daily. ~Kim
