Friday, January 8, 2010

Round 4 Begun!

Round 4 HDMTX began about 4:30 this afternoon. All going well so far, but we still have the ongoing drama of the room. That is, we don't have one. We have, however, been promised that we'll have our own room after a discharge they are expecting some time this evening.
Please pray that is sooner rather than later. Carson is exhausted and as a result, so are we!



  1. Hi ya guys -- we just returned from Piancavallo - no computers for us up there ---- caught up on the blog reports and hope that you all were eventually given a room. Paul you write that you are tired....HANG IN THERE..... you can't be tired now, lil guy needs you --- we will continue to pray that you all (Mom/Pops) get some strength back -- from the sidelines here that is really all we can do for you -- PRAY, PRAY and PRAY some more.
    Let us know what you need from this end - hope to see you either in February or in May
    Cheers for now.
    Baci a Francesca e un mega grosso abbracio a Carson da parte di GP.
    Alex and Co.

  2. Hope you guys are in a room and all is continuing to go well. ~Kim
