Thursday, January 14, 2010

Counting the Blood

Awhile back we wrote about counting our blessings. We still do that, but we also count the blood - or rather, the lab does it for us. We went to the clinic yesterday for a "counts check" and things looked great. Carson had an ANC of over 3,000 and did not require any blood or platelet transfusions.

Since the blood determines our schedule, we determined with such a high count that we could go out for lunch. Then we determined that ice cream afterward would be good as well. And...after that, thanks to the weather, Carson even got to play talk about a happy boy!

Our next visit to the clinic is January 20 and then the next phase of treatment will start January 22 (if his counts are still high enough). Treatment is scheduled to last for 9 weeks and continues regardless of blood counts until Day 29 (when he'll have to have a certain blood count in order to continue). Then, on or about day 50 he'll also begin some rounds of cranial radiation.
The good news is that we have no scheduled hospitalizations!! We can do it all at the clinic, then come home; which will be MUCH nicer.

So for now, no scheduled chemo...just as much fun as we can have between now and the 22nd.


  1. Isn't God amazing - bringing us this relatively balmy weather at just the right time for Carson to play outside! Enjoy your break! Betsy

  2. Great news! We are so happy, you must go out and celebrate! Tomorrow we will go to church and rejoice and thank Him for the many blessing. You all have a great week end!!!!
    Love Cristina
