Saturday, March 10, 2012

Doctor Visits/Family Update

The little boy patient continues to grow like a weed and look like a bigger boy each day. His ANC was too high again at the clinic this week, but given his recent GI tract issues, the levels of his chemo will stay the same, at least for the next week or so.

Little boy has also discovered that going to the clinic at school is a great way to get out of class. I fell for this the first five times or so, but not anymore bud!

The old woman patient is still seeing the plastic surgeon once a week, trying to remember to take her tamoxifen and attempting to hold it all together after somehow agreeing to help co-coordinate Easter Eggstravaganza at the church.

I will have my second and final surgery at the beginning of April and look forward to putting this particular cancer experience behind us. One cancer patient is too many, and two is ridiculous.

The younger girl of this family has decided to run a half marathon in June. She has been training 3 times a week and I actually heard her say that she now "only hates running for the first five minutes". She has her big end of season swim meet this next weekend. We sure hope her extra work will pay off with some good times.

.....and the big tall guy that goes off to work hard each day is hanging in there and keeping us all grounded and supported. Thank goodness someone around here is stable!

1 comment:

  1. This is George Wiley checking in. I'm the older son of Bell Irvin, a brother of E.B. Wiley. I'm keeping the prayers coming.
