Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Simple, Right?

I went to the plastic surgeon's office today and signed my life away....a necessity in preparation for my reconstruction surgery scheduled for the 6th of April. They originally wanted to do the surgery on the 2nd, but Carson is due for chemo that day.

I figure we don't need chemo and surgery on the same day.....the same week seems pretty simple to do for us now.....but not the same day, that's just pushing it people!

Carson's next chemo will also include an IGg infusion as his levels are low again. That's probably why he was sick again recently, or actually has never really gotten well since mid February.

Francesca went to the doctor's office today too. She has swimmer's ear and now must put drops in her ear for the next 7 days.

Paul is the lone hold out against illness for the time being......

Carson ran a low grade fever about a week and a half ago. It was not high enough to take him to hospital or clinic and appeared to come and go at random times throughout the day and night. He had no other symptoms and we immediately proceeded to get spun up about a possible relapse. We watched anxiously for days, and were actually delighted when his fever finally got high enough to head to the ER. We had discussions about relapse with the ER doc, we discussed it again with Dr. L at the clinic, we discussed it with each other. It was so eerily similar to the time just before Carson's diagnosis.

Guess what? That boy was getting his 6 year old molar - he pointed out his new tooth to me on Friday! Enter the reason for the low grade fever and our subsequent angst. We never even considered it could be something like simple, normal childhood!

Just a reminder that sometimes..........there is.............a simple explanation.........even for our family.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Jennifer, great news! Viva reconstruction surgery and what a great surprise is indeed a molar!!!! Carson is just getting older, taller and wiser!!!
    sending lots of love your way!!! The palomos
