Monday, May 17, 2010


I am glad we had a brief break, but it wasn't enough for what happened right after my last post.

In a nutshell, Carson had a reaction about 30-40 minutes into the IGG infusion, which then caused a host of other problems and kept everyone around here busy until 2:00 AM.

To stop the uncontrollable shaking/chills, the vomiting and the diarrhea, Carson got an IV push of a steroid. Once the shaking stopped, he then had a bad reaction to the steroid - or maybe it was a continued reaction to the infusion-and literally went crazy.

He was confused, angry, scared and violent. He ripped out his IV port on his chest. They had to reaccess him with no numbing cream - and of course, it took 2 tries instead of 1.

Once accessed, they gave him adivan to stop the steroid reaction. His fever was still pretty high, so he also had more Tylenol. He finally calmed way down and was asleep by 2:00. He slept straight through until 7:30.

All the while, Paul is flying from Sydney to San Francisco with no idea what is happening. I don't quite know how I will tell him when he arrives here later tonight.

This morning, Carson is tired and weak, but doing fairly well. In fact, his fever has not come back since the 2 AM Tylenol dose. A piece of good news!!!

The doctors say that he only got 10% of the dosage of the IGG that he was to be given. Not exactly a lot to boost his levels. They will retest the levels again today and see if he has reached 250. Yesterday he was 165 and normal is around 450-500. If he isn't 250, they are going to consider trying the infusion again, with different (and more) premedications and a different brand of the IGG - and not late at night either.

I do not want to try again, I cannot take it. I cannot watch Carson go through that again. I will pray that his levels are 250. Please join me in that prayer today.



  1. Jenn and Paul, I am so sorry to hear of all the complications that Carson has had. I know this was terrifying to you Jennifer and my heart goes out to you. Bless Carson's heart, the little guy has been through so much but is such a trooper! You guys continue to be in my prayers.

    Much love to all of you ... Delores Graves

  2. We are praying hard, Jennifer--for Carson and levels of at least 250 today,and especially also for you and your continued strength. You are a hero Mommy, Blessings, --Michele, Abby, and Nora

  3. Jennifer We are continuing to pray for Carson (and for you) It's hard to believe that just last week I spent a few hours with him and he was the most normal of four year olds.....please continue to be strong - Carson is one heck of a Trooper and he will continue to fight -- we will continue to pray -- God Bless you Guys.
    Alex and Cristina

  4. Come on 250 (or higher...we'll take higher than that too!)!!! ~Kim

  5. Oh Jennifer I am SO sorry to read this, what you & Carson have been through. I've seen how terrifying a reaction like that is. Reading this post brought tears to my eyes. I am so sorry. Thank goodness Paul is coming home soon. We're with all of you in prayer!!! ~ Erin

  6. Five Flanders will be on our knees for you again as soon as I finish typing! May our God give you strength and grace!
    Love, Karen for All
