Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fighting the Fevers

We are continuing to fight Carson's high fevers. He is running 101 degrees with Tylenol in full force and has spiked as high as 104.7 when the Tylenol starts to wear off - about every 3 1/2 to 4 hours. Yesterday evening, we had an instance where the first dose of Tylenol didn't work - it took a second one to bring it down to an acceptable level. Our highest fever of 104.7 was at midnight, but he responded well to just one dose of the Tylenol. He also received a sponge bath. Let me tell you, he did not appreciate the bath, and neither did the rest of the Hem/Onc ward that was trying to sleep.

So, we've now had consistently high fever for well over 24 hours and our ANC is still very low (190 this morning). What do we do?

Well, first off, Paul is on his way home. He will be here late Monday night.

Secondly, we are waiting for the results of Carson's IGG levels to come back. If immunoglobulin is low, they plan to infuse him with that. This will help him fight whatever virus he might have.

Finally, Carson will be given the rescue drug known as neupogen. This is given in the form of a subcutaneous shot over a period of time. It will boost his white blood cell count and help his ability to fight infection. The doctor says the virus has opened up the floodgates and now the risk of infection is even higher. Since his body is taking its sweet time in producing the white blood cells, they will help it along.

So, for today, in our list of prayer requests, please pray for the end of fevers, no reaction to the immunoglobulin infusion and no reactions to neupogen. Carson has told me several times today that he wants to go home. I hear you buddy!


  1. As always, I am praying for Carson, Mom and Dad, and Big Sister!!!

    May God give you peace, strength, and good results from all the treatments!

    Barbara Kent

  2. You all are in our prayers. Praying for the fevers to subside and no reactions. Praying for you to continue to have strength and for Carson to be able to go home very soon! ~Kim
