Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What if...

Day 201 (can you believe it?) and still going strong.

PEG Shots...check.

We made it to the clinic on Tuesday for blood work and the dreaded PEG shots. And they were indeed, dreaded. The good news is Carson's buds were there and they had a great time playing while the blood work was in the lab.

But the labs were fine and we once again escaped a transfusion. If we could have only escaped the PEG shots. I held Carson's legs while Jennifer pinned down his shoulders. Two nurses simultaneously administered the shots deep into his thighs. The screams were so loud my ears are still ringing. And that was just Jennifer trying to hold him down!

The good news is he probably won't remember any of this in a few years.

What if...

So Jennifer and I are sitting here watching the State of the Union address. As the President walked in we couldn't help but notice all the dark suits. We couldn't help but think of what the scene would look like where we lived previously - South Florida. And then the jokes and jabs started coming.

The State of the Union address...South Florida style:
  • For guys: Gray suits would be replaced with 300 dollar jeans, brown sandals, and a loose button down shirt. Un-tucked, of course.
  • For the gals: the loudest print blouse you can imagine...purchased in the children's department and most likely worn without the proper supporting undergarments.
  • While waiting for the president to arrive, members of both houses could discuss their most recent tattoos and/or plastic surgery.
  • Although scheduled to start at 9pm EST, in South Florida the President wouldn't arrive until 9:30 at the earliest, and that is just for the Spanish version; the English version would be later!
  • Minutes into the President's speech, a cell phone would ring. No, make that, two cell phones...and both would be answered and long conversations would ensue.
You get the idea. So ends another evening. We're glad Tuesday is over, but Friday is looming on the horizon. Chemo again.....


1 comment:

  1. Lol - you should do a whole series of alternate SOTU locations!
    I'm so sorry Carson - and you - have to go through all this. He is one tough kid for sure. Hope today's chemo went smoothly. At least you get to go back home afterwards - that's something. Hang in there! Prayers, Betsy
