Thursday, January 7, 2010

Round 4...and still at home?

Our Team in Training super heroes, Kathleen and Brad, are in Orlando and getting ready for the big run this weekend. Please join us in wishing them a super-fast and fun race. Thanks for running and raising money to help Carson and his buds with leukemia! Carson has this message for you:

Carson was back at the clinic today and his ANC was up to 816. We only need a 750 to start round 4, so start round 4 is what we did. Finally, yeah!!

Everybody was doing the happy dance...but then there was a snag. For some reason there were no rooms available at the hospital, so Carson hooked up to fluids at the clinic to start his pre-chemo hydration. Around 4 o'clock we finally got word the hospital was ready, so off we went.

Once we got to the hospital, however, we discovered the 'snag' was still there. There was a bed...but we would have to share the room. Semi private rooms for kids with cancer is not a good thing. Think of this...2 patients plus 2 adults, both patients undergoing chemo, getting up all through the night, chemo side effects, nurses in and out's not a pretty picture. So, after talking with the doctors we decided to come home instead.

We're rolling the dice. The plan is to spend the night at home and head back to the hospital tomorrow. There's no guarantee we'll have a room, but at least we'll have a good night's rest before starting chemo.

Please pray for Carson's upcoming treatment...and for patience for Jennifer and I. Our patience tank is running on empty. Carson, on the other hand, is taking things in stride. As long as he has some cars to play with, things are just fine. Sometimes it would be nice to have the ability to transform into the world of a 4 year-old. Of course, Jennifer would say sometimes I do!


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