Monday, January 11, 2010

It's Over

Home Again.
Round 4 is now over; and with that, so is the Interim Maintenance phase of treatment. We made it home about 7:00 this evening...and yes, if you're wondering; we made it home in 4 days instead of 5 this time.

Carson is tired, but he's feeling good. It is Grandma and Paul who aren't feeling good. It seems they've caught some sort of 24 hour bug. They're staying away from Carson for now and we're hoping that "the bug" stays away from him.

What's Next?
We head to the clinic on Wednesday to check blood counts and find out more about the next phase of treatment. This much we do know: The next phase is Delayed Intensification and will be similar to the first month of treatment, that is, it will be intense. It will also include some cranial radiation. When exactly it will begin remains to be seen. We have the rest of this week off at least.

Thanks again to everyone for everything you've done through this latest round. I think we have CFS (Chemo Fatigue Syndrome) or TVDS (Tired of Visiting Doctors Syndrome) or WWCSWAGGODSS (Wish We Could Stop Worrying About Germs and Go Out and Do Something Syndrome) Whatever you call it, your blog comments, kind words, favors and prayers help us more than you know.



  1. I'm so glad you're home! I'm sure the room situation made this last stay especially difficult. Our prayers are with you as you get ready for the next step - another leap into the unknown. Your courage and good humor are an inspiration. Love, Betsy

  2. We're glad Carson's home! We hope you have a good week of recovery. We'll keep praying!
    Love, Kathy and Becky

  3. We sure appreciate your time and effort (with such limited energy no less!) keeping us updated and aware of specific prayer needs. I still marvel at the path you're on and just pray for your strength every day. I hope the warmer temps coming later this week give y'all a chance to enjoy some fresh air. And we hope Paul and Grandma are feeling better now and no one else caught that bug! Take good care and know that many are lifting you up day and night... Love, The Links

  4. Checked in to see if you'd posted how the blood count turned out yesterday. We're praying that the bug has been squashed and that Carson wasn't touched. Praying that you all will continue to "approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that you receive mercy and find grace to help you in your time of need." Hebrews 4:16 Love, The Flanders (Scott, Karen and girls)

  5. Hey Carson- still thinking about you in Ocean City!

    Angie and Matt Ortt
