Monday, September 17, 2012

Chemo restarted/ ER revisited

As it turned out, it was time to restart chemo last Monday.  Carson's counts had recovered to decent levels so 6MP and methotrexate began again, but at half dosage. 

A few days later we got a call from the clinic.  Carson's IGG level was still low - big surprise - and he would be receiving that the following Monday during his regularly scheduled chemo appointment.

Fast forward to Friday, Carson starts to complain of his ear hurting.  On Saturday, we'd progressed to a low grade fever.  By Sunday afternoon we were in the ER with a 101 temp.

Counts were really high though (almost 9,000 ANC), so we got our antibiotics and left.

That brings us to today.  After a meeting at Francesca's school to write up a 504 plan for her, we had a semi-marathon clinic visit that we haven't seen in awhile.....IV antibiotics x 2 (rocephin and pentamadine), Vincristine push plus an IGG infusion.  Add to that the start of steroids, the weekly methotrexate dose and the beginning of an oral antibiotic round and we've got one juiced up little guy!

Will it be enough to get him well and back at school?  We will find out in due time.


  1. I've just decided to add all the Kings to my daily prayers- consider yourself regulars:) Hope he's feeling better...and I dig the red mohawk. Even as a little guy, kid's cooler than I am.

  2. Hey guys Franco and Paola say hello and they too will keep you all in their prayers. Ciao Ciao Alex and Co.
