Thursday, February 9, 2012

We are Expanding

Monday's spinal, chemo, antibiotic and IGg infusion with Carson went well, if you don't count the fact that this go round, the spinal was at the hospital, and it wasn't until 3. This required Carson to be without food or drink almost all day, but he did great despite his hunger.

I took the opportunity to fast along with Carson- praying for all our cancer family whenever I was hungry (which was a lot) You know what? I made it! And anyone who has been around food and this family knows it is hard for us to go without.

Carson made it too with his counts. His ANC came in great at 920, which is right where it should be. And now, we're going to try something never attempted before, expanding the time between clinic visits! Can you believe it? We now do not have a scheduled appointment until March!

I'm expanding too......

my waistline, thanks to the delicious food delivered to our door this last month,

.....and in the "too much information category"..... my bust line.

I have been to the plastic surgeon four times now and reconstruction is underway in a noticeable way....well, at least it is noticeable to me. Thank goodness for modern medicine.

Anyway, it is mostly good expansion around here...I pray your week expands before you in a good way too!



  1. Thinking and praying for Y'all
    Alex and Co

  2. I'm happy about the is lovely to hear you sense of humor...May God always be with you!!! We keep praying. Lots of love Cristina and family
