Friday, June 25, 2010

Medication Musings

Ok, so I am the first to admit that neither Paul nor I are doctors, although we play one every single day of our lives. Between blood sugars lows and highs, chemotherapy, side effects and clinic visits, we have a fair amount of life experience.

I would also be the first to admit that our team of doctors are terrific, friendly, energetic, very knowledgeable and have way more experience in all things cancer.

Having said that, however, I have to ask them now - W-H-Y must you mess with things?

Carson had a clinic visit on Thursday for spinal tap and chemo IV push. All that went fine. Before that though, the doctor told us that Carson's ANC was still in the "good" range, 880 to be exact. I say "great! that's right where he should be". What did they decide to do? -to increase Carson's oral chemo medications by 25% - to something roughly about 75% of the dosages he should be getting. WHAT???? "That's standard protocol, he needs to get as much medicine as his system can tolerate." WHAT??? He feel so good, he has so much energy, our ANC isn't all THAT high.....

Now is the time to walk the fine line of respectfully disagreeing with the doctors, which we attempted to do. We registered our belief that his counts will fall again, but we would do as they asked.

So, I am predicting a low ANC in two weeks, which means next week; Carson and I will be hiding out at home. This week we have a breather as his ANC will stay somewhat elevated because he has started his 5 days of steroids. When we're done with that though, I think those counts will be heading downward.

As much as I might get temporary satisfaction in saying "I told you so" to the doctors; I do actually do hope I'm wrong.


1 comment:

  1. We'll be praying for continued health and strength for Carson, and peace of mind for you. Oh, and wisdom for the doctors of course! Hope they are right about the increased dosage.
