Saturday, December 19, 2009

Digging Out

Things have been quiet around the house the past few days...sort of.

We had a change in grandparent help on Wednesday. It took Carson a good day or two to finally remember to begin all sentences with "Grandma", not "Nona". And with as much talking as he does, that's a lot of wrong name calling.

Then this morning the big snow storm came. We spent the day either inside eating or outside digging out. And then there was more digging out...and then even more digging out. And tomorrow, before we can do anything, I'm sure we'll have to dig out again. The snow along our sidewalk is now waist deep.

Why did I sell the snowblower?

Tomorrow we are off to the hospital for round 3 of the HDMTX chemo treatment. However, before starting the chemo Carson will be having an LP (lumbar puncture to flush his spinal area with chemo) and a blood transfusion.

Please pray we can get to the hospital and that things will go smoothly again. Thanks!!



  1. Great talking to you guys yesterday - well here's to awesome results for Carson's procedure(s) today -- we are sure everything will go just fine -- GP was glad he got a chance to finally talk to Carson -- he mentioned him several times today -- someday they will be playing together either in VA, Dallas or Italy :-)
    You guys have a great Sunday and our prayers go out to Carson for this week's treatment.
    Go Carson -- (Go Cowboys)
    Alex & Co.

  2. hey there....
    did you get to go to hospital today? cant believe the snow. that is crazy. is this the most you have had???
    praying for carson and that all goes WELL and as planned. love you guys....
