Monday, November 30, 2009

Hanging Out at Home

Day 142 of our 1,278 war on leukemia.

So much for making plans. We headed off to the clinic this morning expecting to get a fast pass to the hospital to start the second round of high dose chemo (HDMTX). And then that pesky ANC thing came up again. Haven't we had this lesson before?

Let's see...last week Carson's ANC was something like 3,500. That was a week after the HDMTX treatment. This week Carson's ANC was 350. Uh...excuse me? What the heck happened? We need an ANC of 750 to start the next round. Well, we've been giving Carson small doses of oral chemo during the week. Well, apparently that was a little stronger than everyone expected.

So...unpack the bags. Now we are hanging out here at home for a few more days. We'll go back to the clinic on Friday and give it another shot.

What a beautiful weekend!

We all had a great Thanksgiving and weekend. Jennifer and I thought about catching an early morning sale on black Friday. Ha! Yeah, right.

Watch as Carson and Francesca turn into zombies playing Dirt2 on the Playstation...and then as Francesca takes Shade to play in the dirt...for real!

We did get out, however. Carson has been outside playing like a mad man. And on Saturday afternoon Francesca, Jennifer and I took Shade to Fountainhead Regional Park. (Shade is our adopted 5 year old German Short-hair Pointer.) Shade had a blast getting outdoors and running on the trails!

We are keeping busy and having fun until the next round. Keep the prayers coming!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi ya Guys well Gianpaolo and I just went through the 70 picture gallery and he fell in love w Carson's toy on pic 22 -- he kept saying Papa voglio quel giocatello == lo voglio lo voglio === and then he asked me that he wants to go visit Carson === speaking of visiting, i will be in your AOR o/a mid Feb (in Chantilly VA) how far is that from Chez King?
    So what is the name of the toy on pic 22? can i order it from walmart? :=)
    Cheers for now.
    Alex & Co.
