Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Armored Cars to Big Wheels

Carson had a great birthday...or should I say birthdays. Plural. We celebrated Sunday at home with cupcakes and opening of gifts. Then we celebrated at the clinic with the nurses on Monday morning. Then we celebrated again at the hospital Monday evening. How can you top that?!?

Some of the loot this year's festivities: a highly desired Tonka Armored Car (aka Money Truck), a remote control car (currently driving the nurses mad here in the hospital), a big wheel (also driving the nurses mad here in the hospital), a train set (a gift from the nurses before he started driving them mad with the rc car and big wheel), and a hummer concept truck. And that's just for starters. It was all way cool stuff!!

The nurses are disconnecting Carson's chemo as I type. So far, so good. No major problems to report. And that's exactly the kind of news I like to report.

Thanks to everyone for making Carson's birthday so special. Go Carson!!


P.S. I should have mentioned...just because we are unhooking from chemo doesn't mean we are going home quite yet. After chemo there is a fluids flush. Then there's a "rescue" drug, which as I understand it, keeps his blood from turning to goo. (Ok, I have a rudimentary conception of how things work biologically.) Bottom line: we are here for a couple days more.

1 comment:

  1. Hoping and praying all is still going well. Ryan and Maddie liked the video of Carson opening his presents - Ryan said "wow, he seriously likes his cars" when Carson was so excited about the Tonka! ~Kim
