Thursday, October 8, 2009


Our 89th day in the battle against leukemia.

Carson is still going strong. He is full of so much energy. Is there caffeine in chemo?? And did I mention how LOUD he talks? I'm thinking he could be an honorary member of Spinal Tap. See this 3 1/2 year old? He goes to 11.

Chemo at Home

Hats off to "Dr. Jennifer", who successfully administered chemo here at home on Tuesday and Wednesday! In addition to chemo, Jennifer is also the one who is dealing with most of the clinic visits, sorting out the insurance mess, and entertaining the boy that never rests. Talk about a full time job. Ugh. Fortunately, Jennifer is awesome!

Carson and Dr. Jennifer were back at the clinic today. We figured it would be a quick trip...get another does of chemo and take tubey out. But, we thought wrong. Carson's hemoglobin is already lookin' like it needs to be topped off again. So, he's off to the clinic again tomorrow for another blood transfusion.

Despite being loud and full of so much energy, Carson is still super sweet. He's in a good mood...most of the time. (Hey, he IS 3!) I'm amazed that he can go through what he's going through with such a great spirit.

Go Carson!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi ya long time me no write - me sorry T-Bone you and Jen have a GREAT sense of humour -- keep it up
    we continue to read your blog and
    continue to pray for Carson - plus a prayer gets thrown in there for you two every now and then
    - Carson is one strong child and he has you two to thank --- our prayers on this side of the ocean will continue for you all
    Alex and Co
