Our 3rd anniversary of D-day was Tuesday and we all experienced it in different ways.
Paul and I had talked about the arrival of the anniversary a few days before, but on the actual day, I had forgotten. I was busy getting the Mr. off to summer school, when Paul sent me a reminder text.
It took me by surprise. I was OK until I got to the grocery store parking lot, then got overwhelmed with emotion. Here we go again, that old combination of sadness and happiness sneeking up on me again.....
- I'm so sorry that Carson has had to go through this
- I'm so sorry that we'll be holding our breath the rest of our lives, watching for relapse
- I'm so sorry for all the toxic meds pumped into his tiny veins
- I'm so sorry for the IEP's at school and late effects of treatment which will follow him for who knows how long
- I'm happy that we're still all together
- I'm happy that God has seen fit to allow us to be parents to both our kids for awhile longer
- I'm happy that Carson responded so well to treatment
- I'm happy that the end of treatment is in sight - November 2012 here we come!
While I was processing all these thoughts in the parking lot, other members of my family were faring much better.
- Francesca was on her way home from church camp (she had a terrific time)
- Carson went to school, went to swim lesson and then proceeded to earn his green belt at Tae Kwon Do
- Paul suggested dinner out - and we all agreed.
What D-day? Green belts rock!
So after a bit of a rough start (for me), it was practically a normal day!
.....and that's the way we like it!