Monday, June 4, 2012

What Have We Been Doing?

I'm not quite sure, but I know we've been busy.

Carson had chemo and antibiotics last Wednesday.  His counts are too high (ANC of 4700) so we will raise the 6MP slightly and go back a week from today for a counts check.

Paul is preparing for a trip to Thailand tomorrow.  He hasn't traveled overseas in two years - the infamous early ended trip to Australia with Carson in the hospital.  We are determined that this will not happen on this particular trip.  In case it does though, my parents are coming to stay for about 10 days.

My mom will actually be staying about 15 days.  It turns out I am continuing on in my "surgical career" (you'd think I would have picked a better more fulfilling career, wouldn't you?) and having a partial hysterectomy on June 19th.  Tamoxifen reduces your risk of breast cancer recurrence, but causes other problems too.

And here are some other events in pictures........

Francesca and Uncle Eric before his wedding

 More family pre-wedding pictures
JK, Francesca, Eric, Jane, Charles and The Trans, Kathy, Steve, Brittni with Jolie and Emily in the front row.

Lauren and Eric

Yay!  They're Married!!!

One of our few pictures together......ever!      

And then, a few weeks later, we watched Francesca and friends Martha and Robin finish the Zooma Half Marathon in Annapolis, MD.  Way to go!!!

Robin at mile 13 and looking strong!

Martha (in black) and Francesca (in blue) heading up the final hill at mile 13.

Gettin 'er done!

All done!!  So proud of all of you!!

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