Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Carson Triple Play

We've done the King Family Double Play; but of course, Carson had to outdo that and come up with something all his own.

A triple play.  Low ANC (230), Low IGg and an ear infection with a low grade fever. 

Thankfully, this happened on a week day during business hours- no trip to the ER; and thankfully, Carson's fever is not high enough to land us in the hospital.  We spent 2 hours at the clinic and then were sent home.

So, unless the fever spikes, we're home until Friday when we'll visit the clinic again for counts check and an IGg infusion.  Friday will involve some juggling as I have a doctor's appointment of my own, but Paul will stay home to help sort things out.

Meanwhile, Carson is content as long as I tend immediately to his every demand.  So far it is just a constant supply of food (because nothing seems to be tasting right) and TV shows/movies - manageable for the time being and better than being in the hospital.


1 comment:

  1. Will you be my mom too? Praying for your strength sister! -RM
