Sunday, September 4, 2011


I'm not normally a crying person, but this darn cancer has me weepy at times I wouldn't expect. This week's tears found me at Kindergarten Orientation crouched next to Carson's school supply basket - there was his name neatly written on all his perfect and yet untouched sets of crayons, markers, scissors and pencils. So Beautiful!!! I couldn't help but think about how two years ago we weren't sure how long we'd have with our guy, or what the next days would bring, and here we are at Kindergarten!!! I'm so glad God gave us this moment to cherish!

Carson with Mrs. Hof (She was also Francesca's Kindergarten teacher!)

Our clinic visit this week was pretty much a rerun of those past. The ANC has risen some more, so we will add more 6MP and return in two weeks. I'm not sure how the start of school (plus all the germs) and an increase in meds will turn out; but as usual, we will know soon.



  1. Of course you are weepy! And rightfully so. I got teary just reading your post. Keep up the good fight Carson.
    Maria Proto

  2. We're so excited that Carson is starting Kindergarten! So many reasons to celebrate!

  3. Hi, this is George Wiley, I'm a nephew of E. B. Wiley. I am remembering Carson and his family in my prayers -- have been for some time. Bless you all.

  4. Dear Jennifer I can't even immagine your feelings...but what a blessing!!! Carson looks great and Giampaolo commented that his classroom looks terrific. We will start school next week...and everything will begin again! Lots of love and prayers from the Palomos

  5. We are so excited for Carson!! Crying when you're happy is a great thing!! Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most!
    Love from Diana, Rob, Brandon and Jared Oliver
