Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Return of Mr. Low Counts

I thought Mr. Low Counts would be away for awhile. I thought he would take a nice vacation to some place called "preschool". I thought I might be able to clean out a closet or two and possibly the playroom while he was absent. I even dared to think I might have a moment or two to myself and a chance to string two thoughts..... in a row...... together.

I thought wrong.

Mr. Low Counts loves me. He wants to stay with me always. As he says, "I'm Mama's Boy". As if to highlight his determination to remain, Mr. Low Counts became Mr. Very Low Counts. (ANC 190)

Mr. VLW, as he will now be referred to as, does have one thing going for him though. He's pretty cute and knows just when to throw in an "I love you Mama". How can I be upset??

Just how permanent is Mr. VLW?? We will find out next week when we return to the clinic. In the meantime, we'll have more quality and quantity time together.



  1. It would be nice if I could be there with Gp, that could give you a break! Hang in there Jen, lots of love Cristina
    p.s. praying for High counts to come quick!

  2. I'm sorry you guys are on such a rollercoaster with his ANC. I can only imagine how tough it must be that the doctors are not able to regulate his medicine. Good Luck!!!

    Diana Oliver
