Monday, April 25, 2011


Warning! Proceed with caution. This entry contains nothing too exciting or enlightening; however, at the request of certain readers, I write.....

Yes, we were away. We visited the areas in and around Harrisonburg, Virginia while Francesca was on Spring Break. During the visit we hit 3 colleges/universities, two caverns, a potato chip factory and a presidential birthplace. If you ask Carson what was the best thing was, he will tell you it was the pool at the hotel.

The last clinic visit was again extremely short and sweet. ANC too high, IGG level a bit low. Carson's congestion is returning. Increase the chemo medications a bit and add some allergy medicine in to the mix.

It has been a few weeks since Mr. C got antibiotics, so it is time to have "snot nose" reappear. April is almost over and we haven't been to the ER yet, so maybe the addition of some allergy medicine will alleviate the congestion and get us through the month. So far, no change in congestion level, but thankfully, no visit to the ER. Unfortunately, the month ain't over yet...

We go back to the clinic this Wednesday for chemo, antibiotic, a possible "topping off" of IGG and perhaps we'll try a new allergy medicine.

In other news:
  • We went to the circus!!! Thanks again to Growing Hope.
  • The tulips I planted last fall bloomed and I have the allergies to prove it.
  • A good time was had by all Easter.
We will update you more later after tomorrow's clinic visit - and we'll include some pictures too!
Thanks for your continued prayers!!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jennifer
    We are glad you are back on the net - hopefully T-Bone will write a thing or two before Labor Day :-) we miss you guys and can't wait to see yáll this coming summer
    ciao ciao
