173 Pieces
Last week Carson picked out a new toy for his clinic visit prize. And we're not talking just any ol' toy. He had a Lego Prisoner Transport Truck complete with a police truck and driver and a bad guy on a motorcycle. The Lego box remained closed until the clinic visit. Which meant Carson was pretty much beside himself all week long. He couldn't wait to go to the clinic!
Carson was so excited. He pulled off his shirt as soon as we walked into the room to get accessed. He wasn't scared. He didn't scream when they stuck him with the needle. He was simply focused on the Legos!
We weren't planning on ASSEMBLING the Lego truck at the clinic, but when it turned out that Carson needed an IgG transfusion (immuno gammaglobulin), that's exactly what we did. He loves it...although he is more than happy to leave the assembly process to someone else. (Ah, the joys of Legos!)
Picture Day
In addition to the toy fun, Flashes of Hope was at the clinic. After a quick trip home to get a shirt that didn't have a picture of a construction vehicle (what a blessing it is to live so close to where we receive treatment!), Carson and Jennifer were on set having their pictures taken. Carson was really hamming it up, so we are really looking forward to seeing how they turn out.
Counting Blessings
Have we mentioned recently how truly blessed we are to have such wonderful medical care? I was at another doctors office last week and came across the Washingtonian Magazine Best Doctors 2011 edition. There were four pediatric oncologists in this year's edition. Three of them are on Carson's team. And the fourth is a former physician at the same practice. And it's not just the doctors. The nurses and staff are all passionate about their work and care so deeply for the kids. We feel so fortunate!