Friday, December 3, 2010

How Quickly I Forget

So it's been a while since I've posted to the blog. Slowly but surely I've been sucked back into the routine of life - which can feel good and comforting. Ah, the joys of meaningless meetings at work, kids fighting at home, the car in the shop, the roof repairs...the list of distractions goes on and on.

And that's just what all these things are - distractions.

Then it's another trip to the ER. Another child's funeral. A friend's child diagnosed with leukemia.

Oh yeah, every minute is a gift! I must be pretty dense to need reminders like this.

(Dear God, please help me to grow out of my denseness. I really hate getting these reminders!)

And then we came across this: A story of another boy who had leukemia. He went through two bone marrow transplants, neither of which were successful. Realizing his time was short, the family decided to celebrate Christmas in September. The family's actions inspired the town, and singer/songwriter Matthew West to write "One Last Christmas."

Watch Dax battle leukemia and how his community rallies around the family:

What a moving video! Of course it left Jennifer and I in tears. Some of the images of Dax looked like Carson when he was in treatment.

How quickly we forget - every minute of every day is a precious gift from God.



  1. Thank you, this is beautiful. Betsy

  2. what a sweet family. this is a tough story to watch. - libby

  3. This is a very tough thing to watch - but definitely something that reminds you of what is important. ~ Kim
