Thursday, September 30, 2010

Catching Up & Clinic

We've been so busy these last few weeks. Here are a few other events that have happened......

Goodbye Acura! We purchased a 2009 Mini Clubman.
It is our mid life crisis car. Francesca is hoping it will be her 16th birthday car.

My friends Kathy and Jennifer ran the Woodrow Wilson Half Marathon with me on September 19th. I tried to break 2 hours, but alas, a hill around mile 11 did me in. I finished in 2:02.10 instead.
Next event? Disney Marathon! -at least it is fairly flat!

Carson had a great time at the Growing Hope Walk and Family Fun Day. The dunk tank was especially exciting! Not only that, nearly $30,000 was raised to help families of children with cancer!

And the Clinic says.....
Tuesday's clinic visit revealed that Carson's ANC was below 500, making him very prone to infection - AGAIN! All his chemos have been stopped -AGAIN and he will be staying out of public (and school) - AGAIN!

We will go back next week to see if counts are up. If they are, we'll start chemos back at 50% of the dosage-AGAIN!
Some day, maybe, we'll find the dose that suits Carson best!



  1. Dear Jennifer, great picture and super great video!!! Sorry for Carson that has to stay away from people and school. Certainly this is a though time of the year for infection so I know that you are doing all that is best for him.

    You all are in my prayers, may God give you strenght and may the healing continues. Love Cristina

  2. PS Cool little Red Car T-Bone :-)
