Wednesday, July 7, 2010



We had a clinic visit yesterday and Carson's counts were great. Boy, was I wrong in my prediction of low counts. Over 1,000 on his ANC, Hemoglobin 9.6, platelets 194. Good, good, good.
We go back in 2 weeks for another counts check. So, once again, I'm going to predict low counts. Hey, that reverse psychology, reverse self-fulfilling prophecy stuff worked last time!

Medicine! A Round for Everyone on Me!

As of Monday, everyone in our family, with the exception of me and the dog, was taking some sort of prescription medication that was required daily, most of it multiple times per day. That changed though. as our dog Shade is now also on prescription meds for the next week. To be given twice daily in fact. I am thinking of preparing everything in advance, having everyone form a line and then administering it one after the other! It will resemble a hospital, or perhaps the psych ward...

We took Shade to the vet on Monday morning for what appeared to be a sty in her left eye. Turned out it was a blocked duct that had formed a cyst and minor surgery was required. Those of you that know Shade know how shy and sensitive (read "afraid") she is around everyone but us. Staying at the vet for the entire day was extremely hard on her, despite the good care she received. I'm happy to report though that she is doing just fine and appears to have survived her ordeal. Now she just has to have cream in her eye twice daily until she gets her stitch removed next week. I've put an alarm in my phone, along with all the others, to help me remember.

Shade's War Wound
The small pink stuff next to her eye are her sutures - which match her collar so well!



  1. Have you considered seeing if you can get some kind of medical degree using "experience" credits instead of courses? You should qualify for an LPN at a minimum - probably more!

  2. Hi Jennifer, must say that I loved to see Carson with hair! I agree with the comment posted before me, you should sereiuosly consider a career in the medical field. Love you all!! Cristina
