Thursday, April 22, 2010

Continue On

Day 284 and Still Fighting....

We went to the clinic today for a counts check and perhaps some explanation as to why Carson's hemoglobin dropped. What we got were his counts checked and no real explanation as to what happened with the hemoglobin.

What does that mean? It means we will begin again with same dosages of both his weekly and daily chemo and go again to the clinic in a week to see what is happening. It will also be time for our once a month IV push of vincristine and another burst of steroids.

As for the hemoglobin, the current thinking is that he is either sensitive to the oral chemo, or he perhaps got a small infection that caused the hemoglobin to drop. They will draw blood from his port next time and do more tests. If his hemoglobin drops again, and it turns out he didn't have an infection last time, the doctors will consider dropping his dosage. Dropping the dosage is not really something they'd like to do though. If he's getting less medicine, it is not ideal for keeping cancer away and gone for good.

So, for now, we will continue on and see what develops - next clinic visit on Thursday. As usual, the blood will dictate our next course of action.

In the meantime, we are keeping a photo record of Carson and his hair (or lack thereof...) and rejoicing that Carson is eating better, gaining weight and feeling great. He gained 1 pound this week and actually ate some fruit and vegetables! He now weighs 1 pound more than he did at diagnosis.

Here is the first installment of our photo record.....tune in this time next week for an updated photo.

Nothing much to see in regards to hair-just some peach fuzz and a happy boy!


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