Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Next Stop...Radiation

Day 242 of our war on leukemia.

We haven't written much lately because...well, things really haven't changed that much. Carson continues to go in and get poked and prodded and get nasty cell-killing chemo pumped through his port. The good news is he is still taking it like a champ.

I'm am still awestruck at how well these kids - all of them - handle their treatment. I wish I had an ounce of their spunk!

Last week we finished the ara-c treatment (daily chemo pushes through his port). Then on Friday we headed to the radiation clinic at the hospital for a CT scan and to have his "spider-man" mask made. The mask secures his head to the table so he can't move during radiation. (Just in case you're wondering...he'll be sedated.)

PEG Shots

Monday was the tough day. Carson had a chemo treatment through his port (vincristine this time), and then he had two chemo shots deep in his thighs. It was grueling. Jennifer held down his shoulders. I held down his legs.

After the shots Carson was walked over to the Child Life closet, where he was offered any toy of his choice. He looked and looked and looked, but he couldn't find any toy cars or trucks. So, he passed. Can you say fixated?

Another Francesca bragging session

Francesca had yet another swim meet over the weekend. This one was the Junior Championships for the area. Normally you have to be over 14 for this meet, but Francesca and a couple of other girls had fast enough times to swim as well.

And swim, they did. Francesca won the 200 fly outright, beating a field of 15 and 16 year-olds. Francesca's friend Julia did the same for the 100 fly. The two 12-year-olds swept the fly events!! It was amazing!!

Radiation starts Monday

Carson will start radiation on Monday. Please be in prayer as he enters this next phase. There are a number of potential side effects that weigh heavy on our minds and hearts. Learning difficulties. Damaged vision. Brain damage.

The risk of NOT doing radiation can be just as bad...relapse.



  1. Thank you guys for the updates. We realized that this is a very busy and delicate time and we are making special prayers to God so that help and healing will keep coming your way.
    As far as Francesca we are speachless, tell her that we are proud and that ...we may see her at the olimpics one day! Lots of love the PALOMOS

  2. Hi guys, just thinking of you today. Thanks as always for keeping us updated. We continue to lift y'all up in prayer daily, especially during this radiation phase. Heartfelt congratulations to amazing Francesca! I can't imagine we won't be seeing her up on the podium someday! Love and prayers, Erin

  3. Congrats to Francesca, another goal marked off the list! We will be praying for you this week during radiation. Update from FL....the Baja Fresh where we spotted the Plano East t-shirt is no more!! We were invited to a friends and family grand opening of a new resturant called Elevation Burger and were surprised to find it had taken over Fresh! We recounted the day we met again, it was a blessing. Thank you for keeping us up to speed, we keep you all close in our thoughts and prayers. vanessa
