Summer snuck up on us and has taken off. Now that I've finally gotten a little bit used to the new schedule, it's almost over and I'll have to start thinking about school schedules!!
What has happened in the last 2+ months? Let's start with the baseball game. The Diamond Dreams baseball game did finally happen after 4 weather delays. Wow, did we have a gorgeous day for baseball when we finally did have it! Carson did well, despite suffering from his itchy rash. He walked right out to the pitching mound and threw the pitch in front of everyone just like he'd been doing it all his life. After he pitched, the George Mason High School players gave him a ball they had all signed. It now is housed next to the Bryce Harper signed baseball in his room. All in all, the team raised $5,000 for Kyle's Kamp which supports pediatric cancer research. How awesome in that?
Waiting for his introduction! Carson had a special jersey made just
for him and the players also wore golden jerseys. |
Carson and the Team Captain | | | |
Team Shot! |
We went through a round of IEP (Individual Education Plan) meetings regarding Carson and his schooling. He was found eligible for special services, went through rounds of testing with various specialists, and then we all met back to determine exactly what will be most helpful for Carson when 3rd grade begins. He needs more help in math, more help with multi-step directions, more help recalling information, accommodations for testing, some more work with an occupational therapist and summer school. Yes, we still have a lot of work to do to counteract the chemo and radiation. We are so thankful though that there is so much assistance available for Carson. How many kids in Carson's situation have 8 or 9 people meeting multiple times a year to discuss what's best for them and how to help them?
After all that, we made it to the end of second grade and then a whirlwind of activity began along with a visit from Paul's mom. Carson spent 1 week at baseball camp, started swimming for the summer swim team and then began summer school 4 times a week.
Between Francesca and Carson swimming, plus summer school the week is packed - thank goodness Francesca can drive herself to some of this and even shuffle Carson around some. How? Chuck and Grandma brought her a car on Memorial Day weekend.
A 2006 silver Imapala belongs to her now! |
Here is the bare bones schedule:
Monday: Carson Summer school, Francesca swim practice, Monday evening swim meet
Tuesday: Carson Summer school, Francesca swim practice, evening swim practice for Carson
Wednesday: Carson Summer school, Francesca swim practice
Thursday: Carson Summer school, Francesca swim practice, evening swim practice for Carson
Friday: Morning swim practice for both kids
Saturday: Swim meet for Francesca
Sunday: church and collapse
Somewhere in there we are supposed to also be going to Tae Kwon Do, but that has not happened yet. I'm not including piano lessons in here either or the hours I work at church, or the hours Francesca is putting in taking a class this summer; I'm not sure I want to see all that schedule in writing.
Earlier this month we made a visit to the clinic. Carson's counts were great - no need to return until September. After the September visit, we will have one more visit to the clinic in November and then we can..... (wait for it) start going to the clinic once a quarter instead of every other month!! Both kids will be on a quarterly schedule - wow what will that be like!? And isn't it nice that we can talk about going to the clinic less often? Others in recent weeks and months have not been so lucky.
Carson's diagnosis anniversary on July 10th came and went more quietly this year than in years past. No tears shed this time. It was a happy time to catch up with people at the hospital as we delivered lunch. Carson celebrated by playing video games and staying up until 9:00!
5 years since diagnosis and we're still standing. Thanks in part to these guys! |
After my hospital gown "modeling" experience at my MRI in May, I got word from my oncologist that I continue to remain cancer free. Thank you tamoxifen!! That means no doctor's visits for me until December.
Paul continues to work hard, leave work early to watch kids swim and ride his mountain bike. He had a bad cold a few days ago and stayed home. Someone was glad....
We hope you are having a great summer and don't have to get sick to get a little bit of rest like Paul!